samedi 21 novembre 2020

المصحف الشريف للتلاوة بخط جميل واضح

 This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.

Developer name : Phonapps
App Name   : المصحف الشريف للتلاوة بخط جميل واضح

Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.

jeudi 6 août 2020

Make Android Apps Training

This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.

Developer name : Phonapps
App Name   : Make Android Apps Training

Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.

samedi 8 février 2020

تعلم كيفية نطق الكلمات الإنجليزية

This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.

Developer name : Phonapps
App Name   : تعلم كيفية نطق الكلمات الإنجليزية

Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.

samedi 7 décembre 2019

English Words Pronunciator

This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.

Developer name : Phonapps
App Name   : English Words Pronunciator

Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.

jeudi 5 décembre 2019

english alphabet and numbers pronounce

This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.

Developer name : Phonapps
App Name   : english alphabet and numbers pronounce

Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.

dimanche 17 mars 2019

Dikr Counter

This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.

Developer name : Phonapps
App Name   : عدَّاد الذِّكر - لاحول و لا قوّة إلاّ بالله

Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.

Quran Karim Reading

This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.

Developer name : Phonapps
App Name   : القرأن الكريم و فضل تلاوته و ختمه

Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.