This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : English Words Pronunciator
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
samedi 7 décembre 2019
jeudi 5 décembre 2019
english alphabet and numbers pronounce
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : english alphabet and numbers pronounce
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : english alphabet and numbers pronounce
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
dimanche 17 mars 2019
Dikr Counter
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : عدَّاد الذِّكر - لاحول و لا قوّة إلاّ بالله
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : عدَّاد الذِّكر - لاحول و لا قوّة إلاّ بالله
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Quran Karim Reading
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : القرأن الكريم و فضل تلاوته و ختمه
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : القرأن الكريم و فضل تلاوته و ختمه
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Old Ringtones
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : Old Ringtones
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : Old Ringtones
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Omar Ibn Abd El Aziz
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : عمر بن عبد العزيز شخصية تاريخية عظيمة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : علاج ضعف الإيمان - تقوية الإيمان
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : علاج ضعف الإيمان - تقوية الإيمان
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : شهر رمضان - أفضل الأعمال
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : شهر رمضان - أفضل الأعمال
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Friday Prayer
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : سنن الجمعة - ما يفعله النبي قبل صلاة الجمعة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : سنن الجمعة - ما يفعله النبي قبل صلاة الجمعة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : بر الوالدين - كيف تنال الجنة بِبِرِّهما
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : بر الوالدين - كيف تنال الجنة بِبِرِّهما
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Ayat Al Kursi
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : تفسير آية الكرسي بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : تفسير آية الكرسي بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Athan Sounds
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أصوات الآذان للإستيقاظ للفجر
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أصوات الآذان للإستيقاظ للفجر
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Clean Mouth
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : كيفية التخلص من رائحة الفم الكريهة بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : كيفية التخلص من رائحة الفم الكريهة بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Husband Keeping
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : نصائح للزوجة - كيف تحافظين على زوجك و بيتك
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : نصائح للزوجة - كيف تحافظين على زوجك و بيتك
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Italian Pronouncer
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ناطق الكلمات الإيطالية بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ناطق الكلمات الإيطالية بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
German Pronouncer
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ناطق الكلمات الألمانية
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ناطق الكلمات الألمانية
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
French Pronouncer
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : French Pronouncer
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : French Pronouncer
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Fajr ringtones
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : رنات للإستيقاظ لصلاة الفجر خاشعة تحفيزية
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : رنات للإستيقاظ لصلاة الفجر خاشعة تحفيزية
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Satan Fight
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : كيف يهزمنا الشيطان
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : كيف يهزمنا الشيطان
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Ortogol Story
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : قصة أرطغرل بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : قصة أرطغرل بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Oil benifits
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : فوائد الثوم مع زيت الزيتون
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : فوائد الثوم مع زيت الزيتون
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
discussion art
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : فن الحوار- 20 نصيحة لإتقان لغة الحوار و الحديث
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : فن الحوار- 20 نصيحة لإتقان لغة الحوار و الحديث
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Salat on prophet
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : عدّاد الذكر - الصلاة على الرسول
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : عدّاد الذكر - الصلاة على الرسول
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Siyam Tatawoa
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : صيام التطوع -الايام التي كان النبي يحرص على صيامها
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : صيام التطوع -الايام التي كان النبي يحرص على صيامها
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Water Diet
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ريجيم الماء
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ريجيم الماء
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Safir Rings
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : رنات الصفير روعة للهاتف بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : رنات الصفير روعة للهاتف بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Hab Rshad
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : حب الرشاد مع الحليب و فوائده
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : حب الرشاد مع الحليب و فوائده
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Salat Takassol
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : التكاسل عن الصلاة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : التكاسل عن الصلاة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Ibn Al Kayem
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ابن القيم الجوزية - سيرة علامة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : ابن القيم الجوزية - سيرة علامة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Cold sicks
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أمراض البرد - الوقاية و العلاج بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أمراض البرد - الوقاية و العلاج بدون نت
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Bird ringtones
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : Birds Ringtones
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : Birds Ringtones
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Addad Istighfar
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : عدَّاد الإستغفار مع صيغ الإستغفار
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : عدَّاد الإستغفار مع صيغ الإستغفار
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
samedi 16 mars 2019
phone ringtones
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أحلى رنات نغمات الهاتف
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أحلى رنات نغمات الهاتف
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
phone ringtones
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أحلى رنات نغمات الهاتف
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أحلى رنات نغمات الهاتف
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
English Irregular verbs
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : English Irregular verbs
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : English Irregular verbs
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Layla fi Al Kabr
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أول ليلة في القبر
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أول ليلة في القبر
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Rassoul Advices
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : وصايا الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم - 55 وصية
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : وصايا الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم - 55 وصية
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
coran statistics
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أرقام عجيبة في القرآن الكريم
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أرقام عجيبة في القرآن الكريم
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Prayer Mistakes
This web page is to inform You about the privacy policies of our app.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أخطاء المصلين - الصلاة الصحيحة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
Developer name : Phonapps
App Name : أخطاء المصلين - الصلاة الصحيحة
Our app doesn't requires any authorization to work except the need to Internet and access to network.
Also our doesn't take any information from your phone or share it with any tier.
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